GRP Stands (Single and Double)

GRP fiberglass stands are ideal for construction sites and outdoors workplaces where the elements can be harsher.
Rigid Plastic (Single and Double)

Rigid plastic stands are made 2 part vacuum formed high impact plastics. They are ideal for indoor use in most workplaces.
Rotationally Moulded (Single and Double)

These stands are robust and hard wearing. They are ideal for offices, shops and workplaces where customers do not have the space to hang extinguishers and signs.
Chrome Tubular (Single and Double)
Red Tubular (Single and Double)

These elegantly crafted tubular steel stands available in single or double are ideal for those customers that require a prestige to blend in with modern surroundings.

Extinguisher Cabinets
(Single and Double)
These cabinets are designed to offer added protection for fire extinguishers. These cabinets are constructed using a high impact plastic, which is also corrosion resistant.